L'Estudi de la institucionalització de la sociologia a Catalunya (I): un estat de la qüestió


  • Xavier Gimeno i Torrent


We have for some years in Catalonia what could be named a «movement» about the study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia. In spite of the fact that this movement is restricted only to some academic spaces and that it has been carried out by very few sociologists without the possibility of providing itself with suitable research infrastructures allowing a systematic study of this subject; also in spite of the fact that most of the works about this subject deal with very concrete aspects of institutionalization process; and also in spite of the scarcity of documents about this subject most of them produced under political and historical conditions (ending of Francos dictatorship, in 1975, and beginning of the democratic period) generating a special period of cultural dynamism and political activism reflected in sociological field we cannot neither deny nor misestimate the value of these contributions. For these reasons, we must take advantage of the previous work on this topic to elaborate the still undone history of sociological field in Catalonia. This brief article tries to summarize concisely this work and to pay a small tribute to all the contributors to the study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia.


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