Bringing up children is hard work! Today’s concerns with socialisation processes in the family (DOI: 10.2436/20.3005.01.42)


  • Jordi Collet-Sabé Universitat de Vic


socialisation, families, children, unease, Norbert Elias.


In recent research into family socialisation processes, middle- and upper-class Catalan parents are increasingly referring to the complexity, difficulties and growing tensions involved in raising children. Drawing on Norbert Elias’ theory of civilisation, this article sets out to examine the uncertainties regarding family socialisation processes by relating them to the goals of the process itself in a society that is immersed in a flexible financial capitalism. Thus, if the aim is “tertiary socialisation” (Mead, 1964 and Bateson, 1984), within families there is growing unease and anxiety regarding the notions of authority, autonomy, habits, conflict, punishment, rules, conventions, prohibitions, etc., that, the author argues, can best be understood by relating them to this new social and economic context and the new educational objectives of well-off Catalan families.

Keywords: socialisation, families, children, unease, Norbert Elias.


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Author Biography

Jordi Collet-Sabé, Universitat de Vic

Dr. Jordi Collet-Sabé és professor titular de Sociologia (Departament de Pedagogia) a la Facultat d’Educació de la Universitat de Vic i recercador a l’Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (UAB).






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