Looking for low fertility determinants in the European Union: gender distribution of family tasks


  • Fernando Gil-Alonso Departament de Geografia Humana. Universitat de Barcelona


fertility, gender relations, gender-based task share, European Union.


The European Union Eurobarometer is a survey covering all the Member States carried out twice a year to obtain a broader acquaintance of the opinions of Europeans on specific issues of interest for EU policymakers. For instance, in Standard Eurobarometer 56.2 (2001) the former EU-15 Member State respondents were asked about current and ideal fertility. These questions were asked again the following year in the 13 former candidate countries (including Turkey); therefore, results are presently available for 28 countries. Several other more recent Eurobarometers also included questions on how family responsibilities were distributed among men and women. This article analyses all of these results with the intention of assessing whether or not low fertility and task-sharing are interrelated in any way because, although women are still responsible for most reproductive tasks, they are also increasingly incorporated into the labour market. The findings obtained run counter to initial expectations: present-day fertility is poorly and negatively correlated to a more egalitarian division of domestic work.

Keywords: fertility, gender relations, gender-based task share, European Union.


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Author Biography

Fernando Gil-Alonso, Departament de Geografia Humana. Universitat de Barcelona

Investigador Ramón y Cajal del Departament de Geografia Humana de la Universitat de Barcelona.

Membre del Grup de recerca en Població, Territori i Ciutadania (UB)

Investigador Principal del Projecte I+D "La dinámica demográfica en España a través de los censos del siglo XX. Análisis histórico y territorial mediante métodos de estimación indirecta" (CSO2008-06217), finançat pel Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació en el marc del VI Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011.

Correspondence: Fernando Gil-Alonso. Departament de Geografia Humana. Universitat de Barcelona. Carrer de Montalegre, 6. 08001 Barcelona. Tel.: 00-34-934 037 863. A/e: fgil@ub.edu.





