D'Afinitats electives: pentecostalisme i immigració : el cas de les esglésies africanes pentecostals a Catalunya


  • Maria del Mar Griera i Llonch


Protestantism is the most widespread minority religion in Catalonia. There are more than 430 protestant churches in the country, more than a half of which belong to the Pentecostal current. The growing relevance of immigration is a key issue in order to understand the increase of Protestantism as well as the predominance of Pentecostalism. New Protestant churches in Catalonia are mostly composed by people from Latin America, Africa and East Europe areas where Pentecostalism is growing considerably. The article seeks to explore the emergence and success of the named ethnic churches based on the analysis of African Pentecostal churches in Catalonia. The article is based on the fieldwork carried out by the project El mapa religiós de Catalunya (ISOR) (Mapping Catalan religious) and on the ethnographic work done within African Catalan churches.


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