The residential dynamics of foreign populations in Spain’s main metropolitan regions. (DOI: 10.2436/20.3005.01.38)


  • Jordi Bayona Carrasco Universitat de Barcelona
  • Fernando Gil-Alonso Universitat de Barcelona
  • Isabel Pujadas Rúbies Universitat de Barcelona


foreign population, international migration, population distribution, residential mobility, metropolitan areas, Spain.


The main goal of this paper is to analyse the population dynamics of Spain’s four largest metropolitan regions (Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Valencia) which have recently been characterised by a significant and rapid increase in residents of foreign origin. This increase has reversed the pre-existing situation of population stagnation and decline in these key urban nuclei, the populations of which are now increasing. If suburbanisation was the main cause of the previous phase, currently urban growth runs in parallel to an intensified suburbanisation process in which foreign residents are increasingly present. This paper studies these dynamics in the four main metropolitan areas of Spain that have a total population of 13.6 million residents (30 % of Spain’s population) of which nearly two million are of foreign origin.

Keywords: foreign population, international migration, population distribution, residential mobility, metropolitan areas, Spain.


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Author Biographies

Jordi Bayona Carrasco, Universitat de Barcelona

Investigador Juan de la Cierva. Departament Geografia Humana. Universitat de BArcelona

Fernando Gil-Alonso, Universitat de Barcelona

Investigador Juan de la Cierva. Departament Geografia Humana. Universitat de BArcelona

Isabel Pujadas Rúbies, Universitat de Barcelona

Catedràtica Geografia Humana

Departament Geografia Humana. Univeresitat de Barcelona





