Tècniques d'animació i estimulació per a la gent gran


  • Mercè Roca Carroggio


When we analyse the world of the elderly, taking into account the biological, sociological and psychological factors of aging, we realise the need to work with different leisure and stimulation techniques. These techniques can be applied to care for and/or improve physical an/or mental health as well as social relations, at home and at work, prevention, self-reliance and self-esteem. To carry out these different techniques, we propose a set of activities that will vary according to the proposed therapeutic objective and to the individuals and groups that participate. These techniques will be implemented at places where we find older people; at home, communal housing, clubs, associations, day care centers, leisure, and civic centers, and geriatric hospitals. This paper is addressed to geriatric doctors, psychologists, sociologists, social and family workers, nurses, geriatric assistants, physiotherapists, labor therapists, psychomotricists, and musicotherapists. It is also addressed to families, volunteers and to everybody interested in the world of the elderly.


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