Les Relacions de gènere en les parelles joves a partir de l`anàlisi dels espais domèstics


  • Marta Roca i Escoda


This article relates the result of a study about the construction and the reproduction of gender division of housework in young couples trough the analysis of domestic spaces. Starting from interviews to young married couples, the aim was to see at what extent young women and young men internalise stereotyped gender spaces in the construction of their gender identity. The research consists in two strictly inter-related analysis. Firstly, the question of the internalisation of male and female patterns has been addressed, trough the analysis of stereotypical representations of gender in television advertisement. The scope was to show the dichotomy in the forms taken by gender stereotypes in relation to spaces. Secondly, the analysis has been realised trough interviews to young couples in order to see the different everyday representations and practises of young man and young woman in relation to domestic spaces.


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