Cultures en contacte a Catalunya


  • Paquita Sanvicén i Torné


In the nowadays world-wide scene, interconnected in the circuit of cultural globalisation and with more homogeneous tastes between different communities, the contact between different civilisations brings about tensions and multiple effects and chainest to any economic, social, political and cultural aspects. In this respect, factors in discussions nowadays are the problems caused by life in common, in the same land, between the cultures that historically heve been there and the really different new ones. Inside our multinational state, Catalonia has the best conditions to be seen as a paradigm. Because Catalonia belongs to the above metioned world wide circuit, because its the final destination of an important part of immigration countriues at the moment, both from Europe and oversees, because, its an autonomic and nationalist community, with an official and hegemonic culture. And because, in addition, it has another experience of receiving foreign people with really different cultures, wich brings about interesting tendencies to consolidate, in the future, the multicultural scene which is starting being assembled.


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