Nematodes fitoparàsits: epidemiologia i control


  • Francesc Xavier Sorribas
  • Cèsar Ornat
  • Soledad Verdejo-Lucas


In 1991 the research group on Nematology from UPC-IRTA started working on the epidemiology and control of two of the most important plant parasitic nematodes that limit plant production: Meloidogyne on vegetables and Tylenchulus semipenetrans on citrus. The studies that have been carried out on both agricultural systems were designed to determine: 1) the distribution and abundance of the nematodes, 2) the species that are present in the production area, and the parasitic capability of nematode populations in selected plant hosts, 3) fluctuation of nematode population densities related to agroecological characteristics of the production areas, 4) the relationship between nematode population densities and yield loss, and 5) efficacy of control methods and strategies to manage them. In this paper we present the main results of the research line on Meloidogyne - vegetables and the objectives of the experiments that we are carrying out at present.


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