Estudis dels principals arbres ornamentals, no autòctons, disponibles a Catalunya


  • Teresa Adserias i Sans
  • Conxita Nomdedeu
  • Josep Montaner
  • Josep M. Vives de Quadras
  • Miquel Plana i Mateo


After the publication of the research on the catalan native tree by the ICEA, it has become convenient to study the naturalized and adapted tree. In Catalonia, there are ten naturalized and adapted trees for each native one. As we will explain later, this research focuses on a group of 119 non-native trees. Following a survey, half of these 119 trees are easy to produce and to marked. The remainders, which have some problems to propagate, cultivate and become rendible, present a more variable marketing. The annual production is between 1.000 and 5.000 trees for each specie; that means a 30 % of the total production. Remainders are between more them 5.000 and less them 1.000. The chapter «Application» indicate the species of non-native trees wich are more convenient to each of the different 41 catalan region. To provide better documentation, the study is completed with information about the «Characteristics» and the «Requirements» of these 119 trees. Because of their flowering, 37 species are thoroughly studied, Barcelonas Metropolitan Area has an ideal climate for these trees. In fact, 33 out of 37 species, that is a 90 %, can be perfectly adapted to this area.


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