Cartografia detallada de sòls en àrees de regadiu de Catalunya


  • Danès i Ribalta Ricard
  • Jaume Boixadera i Llobet
  • Carmen Herrero


The irrigated land in Catalonia is about 260.000 ha. being in the 26 % of the cropland and the 8 % of the total land. However, in this irrigated land the 68 % of the final agricultural product is obtained.
The economic weigth of the irrigated land, together with the introduction of new technologies whith larger efficiency and the need of these technologies to have a base information induced the DARP to start the canography from these areas.
The nature of the problem itself, basically the application of agrotechnology (e.g. irrigation scheduling, irrigation under saline-sodic conditions, fertilization programes, irrigation of gypsiferous soils and croping of soils according their suitability) as well as the fields and farms sizes, requires a very accurate quantitative information and the making of a detailed soil map.
This paper presents the results of the work carried out up to now, and a short-term prevision. The problems encountered and the applications developed are discussed. General problems of agrotechnology transfer to the sector and to the administration appeared and are reviewed.


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