L'Educació física en el tombant del segle XIX


  • Juan Andrés Cambeiro


Since the formal appearance of Physical Education(PE) in the secondary education curriculum in the school year 18931894, its implementation becomes irregular and variable. The revision of the Curriculum at the end of the 19th century presents a hesitant situation, in parallel with the socio-political situation: decadent, controversial and with an evident lack of resources. At this time the basis for a precarious Physical Education are defined, with a faltering presence and importance in the different Curriculum, where the subject and its teachers were defined as special. This for Secondary Education, whereas in Primary School Physical Education does not appear until the Curriculum of 1898 with a clearly hygienic and military tendency, not even arriving at the Primary School Centres. This article exposes the presence and significance of PE, from its first appearance to the end of the 19th century, through the study of its treatment in the Curriculum and in the norms that regulated it: subject's organisation, contents and pedagogical treatment as well as other aspects derived from a disputed and changing educational policy that took many years to reach the same level as the more advanced pedagogical tendencies.





Youth, sport and physical culture ...