Inpremtes i publicacions periòdiques, instruments educatius del moviment franciscà a Mallorca durant la Segona República = Printer's and periodical publications, educational tools of the Franciscan movement in Mallorca during the Second Republic


  • Pere Fullana i Puigserver


We have formulated some hypotheses about the application of the Freinet technique in Majorca, taking into account the complexity of this kind of research. We have analyzed some headlines about the significance of printing in the Franciscan movement during the Thirties in Majorca. We believe that the school was considered to be one of the non-negotiable fields for the Catholic Church. Putting aside the great ideological debates and the doctrinaire arguments that were disclosed on adult publications, the Franciscans Third Order Regular also promoted several school magazines and conceded prominence to the school through the increasing of the creative and artistic skills of their students.





Assays and researches