L'Entorn paidològic en l'horitzó de l'educació de la infantesa, l'adolescència i la joventut
This article invites the reader to examine, from a paidological standpoint, the problems currently involved in the complex reality of children and young people. In this sense, revisiting the proposals of the North-American psychopedagogue Oscar Chrisman, the founder of paidology, opens up a new space for thought and interprofessional collaboration. Paidology is a science that has collected and structured the main scientific contributions about children, mainly from doctors, sociologists, jurists, psychologists and pedagogues. They have all attempted to construct a scientific statute for paidology, drive by a patent interdisciplinary vocation. Thus, the article investigates and contributes new data on the evolution of the paidological project: its background, origins and development, the available literature, the processes of institutionalisation and some of the leading lights who, very enthusiastically, have gradually joined this child study movement up until today.Downloads
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