La renovación pedagógica en España al final de la transición. El encuentro de los movimientos de renovación pedagógica y el ministro Maravall (1983)


  • José María Hernández Díaz


At the end of the long version of the political and educational transition, (1970- 1983), Spanish Minister of Education, José María Maravall, gave a historic speech to Movimientos de Renovación Pedagógica (Movements for Educational Reform or MRP) in Salamanca (1983), where he acknowledged its role in innovations in education and the defence of state education during the Franco regime and the transition toward democracy. He also proposed that it should collaborate in new policies by the Spanish Ministry of Education, which the Socialist government undertook, in matters concerning the training of primary and secondary school teachers and the creation of quality state education. The paper situates this speech by Maravall in its direct historical explanatory framework.





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