Games and toys: educational importance in the pedagogic work of Maria Carbonell


  • Maria Jesús Llinares Ciscar Universitat de València


joc i joguets, educació activa i integral, procés ensenyança-aprenentatge, renovació pedagògica.


Our aim in this article is to contribute to disseminating the innovative approaches that Maria Carbonell introduced into education by defending the value of games and toys as a key element in order to achieve active, comprehensive education of the person, where the pupil becomes the focus of the teaching-learning process. Likewise, the Valencian pedagogue calls for a reform of the pedagogic approach as to what should school should be and what it should teach, making games and toys the main actors in the new educational concept.

KEY WORDS: games and toys, active and comprehensive education, teaching-learning process, educational reform.

Author Biography

Maria Jesús Llinares Ciscar, Universitat de València



Assays and researches