L'Obrerisme educatiu a les Illes Balears = Educational workerism in the Balearis Islands


  • Pere Alzina i Seguí


The present article describes and documents the facts and the most notable experiences in the labour education in the Balearic Islands from the revolution of 1868 until the end of the civil war. We highlight the republican and socialist experiences in Mallorca and Eivissa and we describe the five lay schools that were opened in the island of Menorca in different periods of time. Although it is clear the influence of Ferrer y Guardia in the emergence and consolidation of these labour initiatives it is also clear that the free- thinking movement, the laity and republican initiatives and all type of progressive communities worked for the secularize of the society before the experience of the Modern School.


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Ferrer i Guàrdia Centenary: historiographical and pedagogical balance