José Luís López-Aranguren: l'eticitat de l'Estat com a fonament de l'educació per a la participació ciutadana = José Luís López-Aranguren: The ethics of the State like foundation of the education for the civil participation


  • Joan Carles Rincón i Verdera


The civic education for the political formation of a participating citizenship in the matters that concern all of us is a fundamental task that must be carried out by a strong state, ethically moral: a state that does not fall into the errors of indoctrination, but neither does it leave this formation in the hands of the established power for it to be used as an instrument in the service of the dominant ideology of the moment. I am considering an education that would help the civilian society in the task of the real and moral democratization of society and its institutions. In this article I am developing an approach to Professor Jose Luis Lopez-Aranguren's proposal for a state of social justice, consisting in the construction of an ethical state, where moral matters are embedded in its own legal and administrative structures. I am talking about an ethical state that, nevertheless, does not neglect the necessary role that the citizenry, individual or collectively considered, have to carry out in the construction of a more just society.





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