Història de l'educació : un balanç de l'evolució historiogràfica = History of education : Balance of the historiographical evolution


  • Willem Frijhoff


This article includes the text from a talk given by the author on 24 November 2007 at the conference, «XIV Col·loqui de Tardor/XVIII Jornades d'Història de l'Educació», held in Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain) and organized by the History of Education Society of the Catalan-speaking Regions, the Centre for Regional Studies of Banyoles and the University of Girona. The presentation offers a reflection on the current state of affairs of the History of Education and maps out some of the lines of its potential future progress. It also explores the challenges involved in History of Education research within the context of today's society with its strong tendency towards internationalisation and globalisation, yet where we can also feel the effects of a glocalisation process that is awakening a renewed and ever-increasing interest in the «local» experience of life as a part of both personality and community. We additionally examine the internal cohesion of the research and new trends in History of Education, as well as the areas of innovation and the new themes or new approaches to the study of more traditional fields of research of education's past.


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