Activar el patrimoni educatiu: de la memòria a la identitat pedagògica = Activating educational heritage: from memory to pedagogical identity


  • Eulàlia Collelldemont Pujadas
  • Jacint Torrents Buxó


In the framework of the current debate on ethnological and cultural heritage, the article provides food for thought on the characteristics that define educational to further our understanding of it and be able, from the basis of pedagogy, to make heritage or asset management proposals. The question as to what we call educational heritage, what historic or current elements we attach value to and which have to be disseminated and transmitted to subsequent generations, thus opens up an interpretation on pedagogical memory which, responding to political and cultural sensitivity questions, is based on the construction of a pedagogical identity promoted by the heritage institutions, such as pedagogical museums or cultural centres for educational memory. Institutions which in turn are the subject of an analysis proposal.


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Museography and educational heritage