Jaume Isern i la seva incidència en l'ensenyament de cecs i de la música al Mataró vuitcentista = Jaume Isern and his influence in the teaching of the blind and music in the Mataró of the nineteenth Century
Jaume Isern (1798-1880) was worn blind and it was a very important musician and composer with an important influence in the development of music in the city of Mataró on the 19th century. He was very involved in the cultural atmosphere of the city, specially from the 30s, and he also carried on different actions in favour of blind people. In this article we have some references about the studies of Jaume Isern as a blind and as a musician, their professional and cultural activities, their facts in favour of blind people, and finally, their importance in the music field in a local and Catalan level.Downloads
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