L'Ensenyament als pobles del Baix Llobregat a mitjan segle XIX i la seva adequació a la Llei Moyano (1857): l'informe Barnoya = Teaching in the towns and villages of Baix Llobregat in the mid-19th Century and its adaptation to the Moyano Law (1857): The Barnoya report


  • Josep Lluís Barrasa Pinedo
  • Rosario Calero Grillo


In this article, the authors present an analysis of the impact of the Moyano Law (1857) on teaching in Baix Llobregat. The work offers an overview of the situation of primary teaching in the region, at that time under Sant Feliu de Llobregat, the town that acted as party head. To perform this research, the authors drew mainly from the report by inspector Bruno Barnoya, closed on July 4, 1858, when the Moyano law had not yet been enacted. The information collected and the statistics generated confirm the regrettable condition of primary teaching at the time, very particularly with regard to girls, with poorly equipped schools, under-qualified teachers, all abandoned by the municipal authorities that were supposedly responsible for supporting them.


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