Una Pedagogia per a temps de crisi : el deixant formatiu de l'hel·lenisme = Pedagogy for a time of crisis : the training aspect of Hellenism


  • Isabel Vilafranca i Manguán


Throughout the Hellenistic era, with the expansion of the Greek borders across Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, the Greek empire was born. This heralded the birth of a period in which the political model was no longer the polis (city state) but rather a new territorial order. In the face of the globalisation of the Hellenic world, philosophical discourses abandon the metaphysical speculation which characterised the classic epoch, going on to focus on more practical aspects that offer a vital orientation to the inhabitants of the Empire. This is how new philosophical trends appeared: stoicism, Epicureanism and cynicism, which herald a new pedagogical discourse. Education takes on new challenges, the salvation of the individual through knowledge and affording the citizen an inner security versus a rather insecure world. This gave rise to what has been called the paideia encyclopaedia. With the advent of Christianity, the educational process took on a new form based on the imitation of Christ. This educational current, which the authors of patristics configured by adding the messianic message of Christ, was called paideia Christi.




