L'Educació domèstica al segle XIX: teoria de les esferes i els models de professionalització docent


  • Raquel de la Arada Acebes


From the second half of the 19TH Century until the turn of the century, women's education became a first-order social question that would contribute to pacifying the tensions that endangered the new liberal bourgeois order. Household education, regarded by the liberal politicians of the first three decades of the 19TH Century as a private question, became, as of the Elizabethan period, and particularly with the enactment of the Moyano Law of 1857, a public one. Writings by authors of diverse ideology and professions on the discourse of domesticity, allow us to verify the continuity and the changes in the bourgeois ideal for women throughout the second half of the 19TH century. Parallel to this, teacher training colleges were founded that made it possible to spread this bourgeois ideal through children's schools.




