Reforma i contrareforma de la formació professional a la LGE i a la LOGSE : alguna lliçó de la història recent per a la situació actual?
This article is a short summary of vocational educational training (inside the educational system) in Catalonia and Spain over the last few decades. The objectives are to understand the recent changes and to shed some light on the current discussion on the secondary school, particularly the vocational training track. Studies in this field do not abound, but the main laws enacted throughout the Twentieth Century with some contributions by social scientists. The main focus is on the comparison between two laws, enacted in 1970 and 1990, and the contrast between these laws and the results of their implementation. Reform and counter-reform have often been present in the Spanish history of education, and this process is now also on the policy agenda. In this regard, vocational training is always beside and below the academic track, and all attempts at integration in the secondary school have failed.Downloads
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