L'Escola rural a Catalunya al darrer quart del segle XX : de l'impacte de les polítiques educatives a la influència de les transformacions socials, culturals i econòmiques: un primer balanç


  • Joan Soler i Mata


The article analyses the evolution of the rural school in Catalonia over the last three decades of the 20th Century, and focuses on three areas. First of all, the impact of educational policies following the application of the Villar Palasí Law of 1970, through the changes spawned by the political transition and the transfers of powers in teaching to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. The second focal point of study addresses the elements that configure the pedagogical reflections on which educational practice is built in the rural school. Finally, the article highlights the trajectory of the movements of rural school teachers and the work of the Secretariat of Rural School of Catalonia in the pedagogical renovation of the rural school. This historic evolution is based on three stages marked by three key events in educational policy:The Villar Law of 1970, the transfers of powers to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia after 1980, and the approval of the LOGSE (Llei d'Ordenació General del Sistema Educatiu) in 1990.


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The rural school in the twentieth century