La Pedagogia de la subjectivitat corporal: una relectura del naturalisme i el culturalisme


  • Jordi Planella i Ribera


The article proposes a hermeneutic reading of Corporal Education from naturalism and culturalism. Beyond the objectivation of the body and its physical education, the possibility of looking at it performatively exists (instead of only forming it or deforming it), and allows us to resituate the pedagogic individual at the centre of the action. Recovering the pedagogy of Rousseau, of the New School, the experiences of the first psychomotricists, as well as the psychoanalytical perspective of corporal education (Freud, Reich), it is possible to imagine new pedagogical forms. This reading of the body in a positive way takes us into paths like the pedagogy of the body in movement that allows us to consider, again, the body from its textualised dimension.





Youth, sport and physical culture ...