Els Inicis de l'educació física als col·legis de Mataró (1855-1872)


  • Montserrat Gurrera i Lluch


Physical Education is incorporated in the educational programmes in the city of Mataró's main schools in 1855. The first school to introduce it in the Curriculum is Valldemia private school of boys where not only it is reflected in its educational programs but it is also shown in the Bulletin of the school, that started to be printed in 1868 and is considered the first school bulletin published in the country. The present study contains brief lines of Valldemia school, referred mainly to its foundation and pedagogical and didactical objectives, to move on to the in-depth study of the importance that physical education, gymnastics and horse rid-ing took in the school with the aim to achieve an integral education of the boys, mainly through the period 1855-1872. There are also references of the centres that progressively added this discipline and some data on the sportive events at the city during this period.






Youth, sport and physical culture ...