Els efectes del context fonètic en el procés d'asil·labació de l'article lo/los en català


  • Francesc Ballone


Algherese Catalan preserves the masculine definite articles lo/los. According to the available literature, these determiners generally lose their vowel when they are immediately preceded by a word ending in a vowel. However, there are no empirical studies with quantitative data available on the subject. The main goal of our paper is to investigate, by means of an auditory impressionistic analysis of spontaneous and semi-spontaneous Algherese speech, which phonetic contexts trigger resyllabification of lo/los with deletion of the vowel. Our results show that the presence of a vowel preceding these articles is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to trigger vowel loss. Furthermore, contrary to the available literature, vowel loss in the context V+lo/los cannot be considered a general rule, since it only affects one article out of three. Our results indicate that there are specific phonetic contexts immediately following the articles that can block vowel loss.




