Strategie tematiche e strutturali nello Spill


  • Veronica Orazi


The use of certain themes in the opera (such as misoginy) and the way they are reinterpreted, and the very organization of the text, show that the intention of the author is to offer a detailed exemplum and counter-exemplum. From this perspective, the apparent incongruity between the condemnation of female wickness and the narration of the story of the Virgin is removed. Roig offers the reader a spill, in which he reflects an anti-model (perverse, sinful woman), opposed to the Model (Maria), which constitutes the real Spill. The dichotomy mala mulier / bona mulier (bad woman / good woman) is now re-expressed in violent, scabrous terms that break the bounds of corporeal baseness, and is reconstructed by overturning the canons of the pseudo-biographical love genre. With the decline of the courtly ideal of mediaeval origin, this dualism weakens and the unpleasant side bursts through in a form that is now secular, urbane, down-to-earth, disenchanted, even attracted to the most sordid aspects of daily life.




