Creació crítica, crítica creativa: l'agitació cultural del Grup de Sabadell als anys 1924-1928


  • Jordi Marrugat Domènech


This article shows that critical thought formed the basis of all the activities and work undertaken by the Sabadell Group. The fact is, all members of the group were literary critics and wrote critical articles on many other aspects of culture and society. It is for this reason that the group was from the start surrounded by controversy. In the article we analyse a part of the group's activity between 1924 and 1928: we look at some of the controversies that they have aroused and comment briefly on some of the first literary works of Armand Obiols, Francesc Trabal and Joan Oliver with the aim of showing that their work has a critical bias. Finally, we edit some of the critical texts written by Obiols, Trabal and Oliver.




