Estudi experimental de les consonants fricatives del mallorquí i del valencià


  • Aina Espinosa
  • Daniel Recasens i Vives


Electropalatographic and acoustic data show that /s/ and /ʃ/ are fronter in Valencian than in Majorcan. Moreover, Valencian /s/ is less palatalized than Majorcan /s/ because it is articulated with less dorso-palatal contact and the tongue constriction is produced over a wider area. In any case, Valencian speakers distinguish the two fricatives, especially as regards the degree of dorso-palatal contact, and the place and length of the alveolar constriction, although this difference is clearly less pronounced than for Majorcan speakers. In Valencian (but not Majorcan), the realization of word-final /s/ after a palatal consonant, as in alls and anys, is generally half way between that of the /s/ of permís and the /ʃ/ of guix. The fact that, in comparison with Majorcan, Valencian /s/ is less palatalized on the whole, but more palatalized (without merging with /ʃ/) in word-final position after a palatal consonant, suggests that the final clusters of alls and anys undergo carryover co-articulation in Valencian. This possibility is supported by the fact that stop epenthesis operates more frequently in the cluster /s/ than in the sequence /ʎs/ in this dialect. In the light of the articulatory and acoustic data in this study, we propose an interpretation of some aspects about the historical evolution of lingual fricatives in Catalan dialects.




