La Influència de la poesia francesa des d'Andreu Febrer a Ausiàs March


  • Marta Marfany i Simó


This article examines the influence of French poetry on Catalan poetry from Gilabert de Pròixida and Andreu Febrer to Ausiàs March and some of his followers. An analysis of the poetic language of these authors with special attention to Ausiàs March enables us to spot coincidences in expression with the great French poets of the 14th and 15th centuries: Guillaume de Machaut, Oton de Grandson, Christine de Pizan, Charles dOrléans and Alain Chartier. French poetry and music, which made its presence felt in the Kingdom of Aragon from the time of John I and Violant de Bar and all through the 15th century, brought to Catalan poetry, more than conceptual novelties, renewal of metrical forms and, above all, a model of diction for the troubadour tradition.




