Bibliografia comentada de les traduccions catalanes de Shakespeare: part I (1874-1969)


  • Dídac Pujol


This article contains a chronological bibliography of all the Catalan translations of Shakespeares work from 1874 to 1969. It will be followed by another study, to be published in the next issue of Estudis Romànics, which will cover the period 1970-2010 and will include, for the period 1874-2010, an index of translators and another of translated works. The contributions of both studies are: 1) bibliographical up-to-dateness; 2) bibliographical precision, especially in the titles; 3) exhaustivenessthe article includes all the translations and adaptations into Catalan, whether they are complete or fragmentary, as well as all the reeditions and reimpressions; and 4) comments the bibliographical list of the Catalan translations of Shakespeares works is often annotated; the annotations consist mainly of: a) the identification of the bibliographical data of theatre fragments not identified by the translator; b) specification in the case of partial translation of the sonnets of which sonnets have been translated; c) the identification of textual





