Joaquim Folguera i J. V. Foix : dos poetes al servei d'un projecte literari i polític (1915-1931)


  • Jordi Marrugat Domènech


The aim of this article is to examine the relationship that arose towards the end of the first decade of the twentieth century between the poets Joaquim Folguera and J. V. Foix, in particular after their collaboration on the board of La Revista. We also study the influence of this relationship on the later development of Foix (after the death of Folguera in 1919), placing particular emphasis on the adoption of the basic ideas of postsymbolism and as far as the conception of the avant-garde that Foix was to come to defend is concerned. Folgueras contribution to the Catalan poetry of his time enables us to comprehend the evolution and modernization of the genre, just as Foixs mythification of this contribution helps us to understand his own development as a poet, and the way that this links up with Catalan and European literature in the twenties. The article also looks into this with references to other poets, especially Joan Salvat-Papasseit, who at the time is already seen as an antimodel.




