«Jo poblaré la meva solitud» : formes de despersonalització en la lírica hipermoderna


  • Jordi Julià i Garriga


Contemporary lyric poetry has become a long process of loss of subjectivity and a search for objectivity, also affecting the figure of the poet as he reveals himself through his verse. Since the time of Baudelaire, the persona of the poet has become dramatized to the point of becoming yet another textual strategy of late twentieth-century and early twenty-first-century poetry. The present article describes the theory behind this process of poetic imposture and studies the principal hypermodern uses of theatrical monologue in the lyric poetry of recent years, not overlooking the Galician, French and Italian contributions to poetry. The literary output of this period offers a modern perspective of the proposals of Pessoa, Kavafis and Borges regarding lyric poetry, and reflects a postmodernist preoccupation with the crisis in subjectivity leading to the disintegration of the ego.




