L’Associació de Teatre Selecte / Català (1929-1939): An amateur starting-point for the renovation of Catalan drama Authors Francesc Foguet i Boreu Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona DOI: 10.2436/20.2500.01.379 Keywords: Catalan drama, amateur drama, Associació de Teatre Selecte, Associació de Teatre Català, theatre companies Abstract The Associació de Teatre Selecte (Select Drama Society), created in 1929 and renamed the Associació de Teatre Català in 1936, was an amateur group intent on revitalizing the Catalan stage and rendering it more dynamic, all this at a time when professional drama was in deep crisis. By programming performances from both amateur and professional troupes, it struggled to engage public from a wide remit, modernize the type of plays that were being billed, and offer an alternative outlet for playwrights to put on their works for the first time. In 1932, it was also responsible for constituting the Federació Catalana de Societats de Teatre Amateur, an association that brought together amateur enthusiasts in Catalonia, who revised repertories and general procedure. This article analyses the assumptions and development of the society, its protagonists, its spokespersons and the many activities it undertook between 1929 and 1939 as a launching pad for renewal of the contemporary stage and public dissemination of Catalan dramatic art. Downloads PDF (Català) Published 2024-02-12 Issue Vol. 46 (2024) Section Articles License Aquesta obra és subjecta —llevat que s'indiqui el contrari en el text, en les fotografies o en altres il·lustracions— a una llicència Reconeixement - No comercial - Sense obres derivades 3.0 Espanya de Creative Commons, el text complet de la qual es pot consultar a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/deed.ca. Així, doncs, s'autoritza al públic en general a reproduir, distribuir i comunicar l'obra sempre que se'n reconegui l'autoria i l'entitat que la publica i no se'n faci un ús comercial ni cap obra derivada.