Notes sobre la darrera poesia de Josep Maria Sala-Valldaura: la mística de la paraula Authors Enric Falguera Garcia Abstract The work of Josep Maria Sala-Valldaura is one of the most substantial, consolidated contributions to Catalan poetry of the last forty years. Despite this, there are very few studies of his complete works. In this article we hope to make up for this deficiency by studying and analysing the collections of the poems of Sala-Valldaura published in the 21st century. This articles aims to provide answers to some of the major issues, such as the key to reading the poetry, the themes and symbols used by the poet, and the traditions and authors that influenced his work. Our intention is to claim recognition for this figure and show the value and consistency of the poetic art of Sala-Valldaura. Downloads Text complet (Català) Published 2021-02-09 Issue Vol. 43 (2021) Section Articles License Aquesta obra és subjecta —llevat que s'indiqui el contrari en el text, en les fotografies o en altres il·lustracions— a una llicència Reconeixement - No comercial - Sense obres derivades 3.0 Espanya de Creative Commons, el text complet de la qual es pot consultar a Així, doncs, s'autoritza al públic en general a reproduir, distribuir i comunicar l'obra sempre que se'n reconegui l'autoria i l'entitat que la publica i no se'n faci un ús comercial ni cap obra derivada.