Anàlisi de la variació intra i inter parlant en la fricativa alveolar [s] del castellà amb finalitat forense


  • Ana Ma. Fernández Planas
  • Paolo Roseano
  • Wendy Elvira-García


This paper presents the results of an analysis of intraspeaker and interspeaker variation in the Castilian alveolar fricative [s] for forensic purposes. The aim is to achieve a highly detailed characterization of this sound by considering its importance in forensic phonetic analyses aming at identifying or verifying a speker. In order to carry out the analysis, we used two methods of comparison based on different acoustic parameters. On one hand, we analysed various parameters traditionally taken into account when studying fricatives, namely duration, zero crossings, frequency peaks, centre of gravity, skewness, kurtosis, and standard deviation. On the other hand, we also focussed on the LTAS (Long Term Average Spectrum) of the segment.




