L'extensió social del català normatiu a la premsa durant la Transició. La secció "Clar i català" (1982-1983), de Joan Fortuny i Escoda, per a la Hoja del Lunes


  • Daniel Casals i Martorell


This article analyses the section «Clar i català», which Joan Fortuny Escoda (1917- 1989) published in Hoja del Lunes for thirty-two weeks between 1982 and 1983. The section, which began in the period of the transition to democracy, is part of the tradition in contemporary Catalan journalism of including language as a subject of interest. «Clar i català» presented lexical innovations and problematic aspects of syntax in the media and advertising attributable to interference from other languages. Fortuny, editor-in-chief for Avui (1976-1987), denounced the deviations from the standard and offered acceptable alternatives. He also deplored the low quality of the language in popular publications and reminded the readership of their collective responsibility in the use of language. In his articles, we find a style based on prescription, an exposition of linguistic considerations, an assessment of attitudes and reflection on Language.




