La huella de catalanes y occitanos en el castellano norteño medieval (Ss. XI al XIII)


  • Emiliana Ramos Remedios


In the process of writing a history of northern Castilian from the 11th to the 13th century, it is essential to track the movements of settlers from other areas of the Peninsula or from north of the Pyrenees who are reflected in legal documents of the time, especially the so called Franks Occitans and Catalans. The purpose of this is not only to estimate if there were any loanwords or influences on the different linguistic levels by exploring issues such as the entry and establishment of certain words in the Castilian of the era, namely words classed as peninsular orientalisms or Gallicisms in lexicographical sources, but also to try to understand to what extent the linguistc contact that no doubt occurred was a key-factor in the developmental and levelling processes of Castilian and in the development of writing in Romance.





