El Món de les variables sense moments finits de tots els ordres: de la paradoxa de Sant Petersburg als processos de Lévy


  • Josep Lluís Solé


Random variables without finite moments of all orders are not at present a pathology, but a central subject in probability theory. From the Saint Petersburg paradox, dated at the beginning of the eighteenth century, until the non-Gaussian stable distributions and Lévy flights, a very beautiful theory has been developed, at which, in this paper, we will take a quick glance. We will finish with some applications to different situations as a taste of the importance of this theory in mathematical modelling. Specifically, we will consider asset prices modelling, the study of earthquakes, a new view to the classical Saint Petersburg paradox, and finally the evolution of the mean temperature in the North Atlantic sea over the last 250,000 years.



How to Cite

Solé, J. L. (2012). El Món de les variables sense moments finits de tots els ordres: de la paradoxa de Sant Petersburg als processos de Lévy. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana De Matemàtiques, 27(1), 63–113. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCM/article/view/75931.001


