Random graphs with a given degree sequence



random graphs, degree sequence, models for complex networks, connected components, graph distances, graph enumeration, random graph sampling.


Since the emergence of the notion of complex networks, random graphs have become a fundamental tool for their modeling and analysis. In this paper we address the study of random graphs with a given degree sequence, where the degree of each vertex is predetermined and a random instance that meets these constraints is chosen. Our aim is to introduce the newcomers to this topic by presenting the most relevant results in this area and providing intuition as to why they are valid, without delving into rigorous proofs.


How to Cite

Perarnau, G. (2024). Random graphs with a given degree sequence. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana De Matemàtiques, 38(2), 165–200. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCM/article/view/154175


