Diotima of Mantinea: Erotics and philosophy in the tradition of women’s thought


  • Georgina Rabassó Universitat de Barcelona


women philosophers, erotics, history of philosophy, branches of philosophy.


The figure and discourse of Diotima of Mantinea in Plato’s Symposium had a decisive influence on the tradition of women’s thought and, at the same time, in the foundation of an «occult» branch of philosophy: the Erotics, i.e. the philosophical consideration of love, sexuality, gender identity, interpersonal relationships and particularly relationships of philia such as friendship. Although the Erotics did not become established as one of the canonical subdivisions of the history of Western philosophy, numerous texts and theories demonstrate its existence from classical Greece to the present day. Diotima and other women philosophers make it clear that issues of the Erotics held a constant interest in the tradition of women’s thought. Making the Erotics visible as a branch of philosophy situates the contributions of women thinkers in the philosophical canon, thereby transforming it. The «voice» of Diotima represents the beginnings of this tradition which, running throughout history, sets up a dialogue with other authors who have stressed philein rather than sophia, and enable us to reconsider for today’s world the concept of the erotic itself, now much more circumscribed.

Keywords: women philosophers, erotics, history of philosophy, branches of philosophy.


How to Cite

Rabassó, G. (2020). Diotima of Mantinea: Erotics and <i>philosophy</i> in the tradition of women’s thought. Anuari De La Societat Catalana De Filosofia, (30-31), 451–460. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/ASCF/article/view/148577



Symposium: Transmission of Women's Philosophical Thought