Socrates and the courage of solitude


  • Edgar Gili Universitat de Barcelona


Socrates, courage, solitude, philosophy, history.


The aim of this article is, in the first place, to outline the five configurations of a singular and complex gesture of Socrates arising from the rejection of others and the retractation towards one self. We have named them «Principle of Logos», «Principle of Parrhesia», «Principle of Humiliation», «Principle of Bios» and «Principle of Epiméleia Heautou». Secondly, the article seeks to point out that this apparently complex gesture is, in fact, a rather simple one: the courage of solitude. Thirdly, the article shows that this gesture is far from being an exclusive feature of Socrates, as the figures of Kant, Nietzsche and Deleuze illustrate. On the contrary, this gesture shows up with a certain frequency in the history of philosophy. Finally, as a closing remark, it is suggested that something in the philosopher reminds of the warrior.

Keywords: Socrates, courage, solitude, philosophy, history.


How to Cite

Gili, E. (2020). Socrates and the courage of solitude. Anuari De La Societat Catalana De Filosofia, (30-31), 411–417. Retrieved from



Platonic Symposium