Ten elements of transformation (and control) of contemporary identity


  • Pompeu Casanovas La Trobe University School of Law, Melbourne Institut de Dret i Tecnologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Internet, identity control, power on the web, data and metadata, meso-level, middle-out approach, regulatory ecosystems.


This contribution is about the control of digital identity. Based on six recent examples, it shows the changing nature of power and the need to think about other forms of regulation and intervention that go beyond the traditional normative structure of ethical and legal codes. The creation of regulatory ecosystems and the construction of what we call meso-level, or the theoretical middle-out approach in the relationship between humans and machines, seems more appropriate to preserve the protection of rights and, at the same time, ensure collective security.

Keywords: Internet, identity control, power on the web, data and metadata, meso-level, middle-out approach, regulatory ecosystems.

Author Biography

Pompeu Casanovas, La Trobe University School of Law, Melbourne Institut de Dret i Tecnologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


How to Cite

Casanovas, P. (2020). Ten elements of transformation (and control) of contemporary identity. Anuari De La Societat Catalana De Filosofia, (30-31), 15–29. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/ASCF/article/view/148533



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