Agustí Bartra and Albert Camus: Sic et Non


  • Sam Abrams Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i en Ciències de Catalunya


Agustí Bartra, Albert Camus, modern poetry, modern philosophy, debate of ideas, textual reprise, myth


Within the conceptual framework of the traditionally fruitful relationship between literature and philosophy down through the centuries, an intertextual analysis between the poem «Sísif» [«Sisyphus»] by modern Catalan poet Agustí Bartra (1908-1982), published in his last collection of verse El gall canta per tots dos [The cock crows for the two of us] (1982), and the essay Le mythe de Sisyphe. Essai sur l’absurde (1942) by Albert Camus. Through Bartra’s poem based on Camus’s thought, a historical survey is made of the enriching intellectual and literary relationship between Bartra and Camus sustained over a little more than four decades and not exempt of points of conflict and disagreement.

Keywords: Agustí Bartra, Albert Camus, modern poetry, modern philosophy, debate of ideas, textual reprise, myth.




How to Cite

Abrams, S. (2018). Agustí Bartra and Albert Camus: <i>Sic et Non</i>. Anuari De La Societat Catalana De Filosofia, (28-29), 9–24. Retrieved from



Proceedings of the IV Congrés Català de Filosofia