Catalunya a l'aldea global


  • Àngel Pes


Small societies must also adapt to an increasingly integrated world, econmmically, culturally and politically. Globalization is a polifaceted phenomenon transforming the world into a global village. Three examples of globalisation are the rapidly extended financial crisis, with the threat of global recession; the arrest of Pinochet in London on a Spanish warrant, marking the birth of a global public opinion; and the acceptance of differences as a way to solve conflicts both in Northern Ireland and in the creation of the European Union. Globalisation is forcing societies to adapt their cultural, institutional and political references. The two biggest transformations of the 20th Century have been continued economic growth and the political preeminence of democracy, which are interrelated. Catalan society has made a fundamental contribution to both in Spain. This is no guarantee for the future with globalisation. The complexity of modern society is based on the 17th Century principle of tolerance. Descentralisation promotes the natural process of self-government, but globalisation makes universal problems difficult to solve in a limited territory. The political union of Europe is the alternative. Prosperity is not the result of natural advantages, but of values which favour productivity. These values respect individual freedom. A business culture does not arise from business schools but from these values of democracy and tolerance. The role of the public sector is to guarantee social cohesion, efficient education and adequate infrastructures, including electronic communications.




