Elena Fortún (1885-1952) y Celia. El Bildungsroman truncado de una escritora moderna


  • Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles Universidad de Exeter


This article pairs an author and the character to which she devoted most of her literary life. Additionally, the title directly refers to the theme that joins Fortún’s subjectivity with Celia Gálvez’s, the existence of a writer’s self in them both. There are similarities and differences between that process of characterisation or subjectivisation Encarnación Aragoneses Urquijo (1885- 1952) went through in order to become the famous writer Elena Fortún and the other process of characterisation that occupied her, a process of creating a narrative of a frustrated writing self, that of Celia. As a female writer who achieves successful authorial recognition late in life through a character that explores the contradictions and paradoxes the arrival of this late subjectivity caused in the author, Elena Fortún illuminates the implications of the intellectual problematisation of “la mujer nueva” during the first third of the last century.





