Los vocables asturians De Antonio de Bastero y su probable informante, el cardenal Cienfuegos


  • Juan Carlos Busto Cortina


The Vocables asturians (Asturian wordlists) compiled by Antoni de Bastero was not only the first Asturian vocabulary, but also a source of western phonetic features, like [͡ts] as a reflex of Latin -ct- (found in zone B, including part of the municipality of Miranda, and in isolation in zone D), which enable us to hazard a guess as to the origins of the informant. Bastero's connection with the Austrian resistence, in exile in Rome, makes it plausible that he got to know the Emperor's special ambassador, Cardinal Cienfuegos (born in Angüerina in the municipality of Miranda), who was closely associated with Austrian interests in Spain through the Admiral of Castile. There is also evidence that Bastero and Cienfuegos had friends in common, like Mario Crescimbeni, who, as cofounder of the Accademia Arcadia, would have been able to assist in their nomination as arcades (academy members). Bastero may have received this Asturian vocabulary from his informant between 1722 and 1724, when they frequented the academy.





